Who I am

and why I do what I do

Briefly to me

I love solving problems and improving things. It's all the better that I can create beautiful things in the process.


Meine Art

Ich bin offen und klar, immer mit einer konstruktiven und respektvollen Haltung. Innovative Ideen faszinieren mich sofort.Ich gehe unkonventionelle Wege und folge nicht dem Mainstream. Ich bleibe immer ich selbst, strebe nach Authentizität und arbeite mit Leidenschaft an jeder Herausforderung.


Mein Ziel

Mein Ziel ist es, Freude zu empfinden und den großartigsten Job der Welt so lange wie möglich auszuüben. Ich will an spannenden Projekten arbeiten, faszinierende Menschen treffen, meine Kreativität entfalten und täglich Neues lernen.Ich freue mich jeden Tag aufs neue diesen Job auszuüben!


Mein Ziel für dich

Ich bin überzeugt, dass jedes Unternehmen Erfolg haben kann, wenn es seine Zielgruppe begeistert. Deshalb entwickeln wir gemeinsam Lösungen, die genau das ermöglichen. Mein Fokus liegt darauf, für dein Projekt eine nachhaltige und zukunftssichere Lösung zu schaffen. Du sollst bestens auf die Herausforderungen von morgen vorbereitet sein, stolz auf das Ergebnis und langfristig zufrieden.


Meine Motivation

Das nächste Projekt ist immer das spannendste. Zufriedenheit und Glück am Ende eines Projekts zu empfinden, ist eine Herausforderung. Es gibt stets etwas, das man hätte optimieren können. Genau deswegen liebe ich meinen Job. Diese ständige Motivation, es jeden Tag besser zu machen, treibt mich an.


Meine Inspirationen

Inspiration finde ich überall, egal wohin ich gehe. Beim Einkaufen, Spazierengehen, Laufen in der Natur oder Online – ich suche stets nach der besonderen Idee für das perfekte Design. Auch Orte wie Buchhandlungen, Bibliotheken, Museen und Historische Orte bieten mir wertvolle Anregungen, die online nicht zu finden sind.


Mein Design

In einer Welt voller Reize und Überfluss gewinnt das Wesentliche immer mehr an Bedeutung. Mein Design konzentriert sich genau darauf: Klarheit, Einfachheit und Struktur. Jeder Aspekt ist durchdacht, ohne unnötige Ablenkungen – dafür mit einer Leidenschaft für das Detail, das den Unterschied macht. Es ist mehr als nur ein Design; es ist ein Problemlöser, der spürbare Veränderungen bewirkt. Nachhaltig, wirkungsvoll und stets darauf ausgerichtet, dem Betrachter ein positives Gefühl zu vermitteln.


My style

I am open and clear, always with a constructive and respectful attitude. I am immediately fascinated by innovative ideas, I take unconventional paths and don't follow the mainstream. I always remain myself, strive for authenticity and work with passion on every challenge.


My goal

My goal is to feel joy and do the greatest job in the world for as long as possible. I want to work on exciting projects, meet fascinating people, develop my creativity and learn new things every day, and I look forward to doing this job every day anew!


My goal for you

I am convinced that every company can be successful if it inspires its target group. That's why we work together to develop solutions that do just that. My focus is on creating a sustainable and future-proof solution for your project. You should be well prepared for the challenges of tomorrow, proud of the result and satisfied in the long term.


My motivation

The next project is always the most exciting. Feeling satisfaction and happiness at the end of a project is a challenge. There is always something that could have been optimized. That's exactly why I love my job. This constant motivation to do better every day is what drives me.


My inspirations

I find inspiration everywhere, no matter where I go. Shopping, walking, running in nature or online - I'm always looking for that special idea for the perfect design. Places like bookshops, libraries, museums and historical sites also offer me valuable inspiration that can't be found online.


My design

In a world full of stimuli and abundance, the essentials are becoming increasingly important. My design focuses on exactly that: clarity, simplicity and structure. Every aspect is well thought out, without unnecessary distractions - but with a passion for detail that makes all the difference. It's more than just a design; it's a problem solver that brings about tangible change. Sustainable, effective and always focused on giving the viewer a positive feeling.

I just love my job and I want to do it for as long as possible.

What does the process look like?


During the first phone call, we will discuss your project and you will receive both a project proposal and your first cost estimate. We then define goals, objectives, success criteria and other important aspects in a strategy meeting.
Innerhalb den nächsten Wochen erstelle ich Ihre technisch einwandfreie und optimierte Webapplikation. Während dieser Zeit kommunizieren wir größtenteils asynchron, um Ihren Kalender nicht mit unnötigen Meetings zu füllen.


Do you work with a team?


I am an individual developer who can draw on an extensive network of creative professionals. I work on most projects independently, but when necessary I collaborate with experts for illustrations, copywriting or special programming.


What are the advantages of no-code?


With no-code, you are in most cases faster, more flexible and more cost-effective in the development of individual software projects using traditional programming. In addition, more people have access to handling and building with no-code tools. This means that even non-developers in your company can build, adapt and publish apps and tools. Thanks to no-code, IT staff and developers can focus more on things that really require their skills.


Is no-code scalable?


Here, too, it all depends on the tool stack used. Tools such as Xano, Bubble, Make or Shopify grow flexibly with your project and are highly performant even with large amounts of data. Other tools such as Airtable are great for less data-intensive applications - not every project needs to be highly scalable, but has other requirements - such as the rapid development of a prototype to test an idea.


What is the difference between no-code and low-code?


In almost all tools, the two categories merge, as no-code tools always offer the option of extending functions and design with custom code. The difference, however, is that low-code tools do not manage entirely without a programming logic. This does not necessarily have to be a classic programming language, but a simple language developed specifically for the tool is often used. Low-code tools are therefore more complex than pure no-code tools and are often aimed at traditional developers. In return, low-code tools cover a wider range of functions.


Can you build enterprise-level solutions with no-code?


Yes, this is also possible with no-code. Internal and external systems, applications and process automation at enterprise level can be built with no-code or low-code solutions, depending on their complexity. Particular attention should be paid to the scalability, data protection and general security of the tools. Well-known low-code tools for this are OutSystems, Mendix and the Microsoft Power Platform.